Asset Integrity Management (AIM)
We Work & Fast, While Maintaining
Quality And Accuracy
Bicens Resources Limited delivers an established range of innovative and risk based integrity services to the oil and gas industry. Our service is to boost plant reliability and safety whilst decreasing unexpected maintenance and repair costs.
We employ our expertise to address the quality at every stage of the asset life cycle, making sure that an asset performs its required function effectively whilst protecting health safety and the environment. From design of new facility to maintenance management to decommissioning, inspection quality processes have been emplaced to attain an effective integrity management system, optimize operational and capital expenses, ensure adoption of best-in-class practices, assist management of risk, increases shareholders, senior management, regulator and public confidence. It also facilitates risk identification, conducting assessment, taking preventive action and implementing mitigate measures. Under the operational phase, we attempt to maintain the asset in a fit-for-service condition while elongating its remaining life in the most reliable, safe, and cost-effective approach.

Our AIM services include:
- Pipelines Monitoring and Surveillance
- Corrosion Control and Prevention Services
- Technical Inspection
- Static Equipment Integrity
- Rotating/Machinery Integrity
- Pipeline Integrity
- Well Integrity
- Evacuation and Rescue Team Integrity